How we sprout
Why eat sprouted products?
Give your body protein, fibre
and minerals
How we sprout
Give your body protein, fibre
and minerals
You can enjoy them on their own, without any preparation, they are beautifully crispy. Or you can use them to make a delicious soup, spread or even a main course.
Sprouted products are among the so-called functional foods that have a positive effect on human health and have high nutritional value. Include sprouts in your diet.
They contain a higher concentration of nutrients. They have a beneficial effect on digestion and are more digestible.
They increase the biological value of food. They won’t make you bloated and you’ll provide your body with protein, fiber, and minerals.
Production technology
The quality of grain has already been monitored at agricultural areas. The whole process begins with the selection of high-quality grains with high germination. All our suppliers have to meet the quality standards, i.e. varietal purity, grain uniformity and high germination.
Multi-stage cleaning is the first prerequisite for the subsequent quality of the final product.
We soak the quality seeds into drinkable water Soak the seeds in drinking water to wash away any impurities.
The seeds begin to come alive and a series of biochemical reactions necessary for germination is iniciated. This phase lasts 24-48 hours. Seeds partially change nutritional profile. During germination we of course monitor the optimal temperature and humidity.
The germination process must be stopped at the optimal stage by heat treatment and drying the material.
We pack products in doypacks for retail or paper bags with a PE liner, or big bags for export.
The entire germination process takes place in an environment free from gluten contamination.